As of 3:00 PM April 25th, Tom Schroeder, President of Beaver Dam Lake Management District posted signs 'High Lake Level - No Wake Please', at all six (6) boat launches.
"The lake is at about 17 inches above normal and at a lowering rate of 1/8 inch per day at best, it will be well into July before the level will be close to normal. Hopefully we don’t get significant precipitation over the next month or so. The dam is passing the maximum flow it was designed to accommodate. The high level will impact the EWM treatment application, shoreline erosion, loon nesting patterns and success, dock installation, etc. You may have noticed that a good chunk of cattails have broken lose from the “Bog” and is against the east shoreline of Library Lake by the boat dock. We are determining if we are able to arrange to remove the cattails asap. If you have any questions about the lake level, complaints from residents, etc. please contact one of the Beaver Dam Lake Management District Board members.
Mother nature can sure present challenges."
Tom Schroeder
President, Beaver Dam Lake Management District Board