On Monday, Sept. 16, 2024 the restoration/dredging of Library Lake began with Haas Inc. –
Thorp, WI. mobilizing to begin the process of installing sheet piling to block off of the channel
under the Grove Street bridge between Library Lake and Rabbit Bay. Following the installation
of the sheet piling, pumps will start the process of lowering the Lake by 4 to 5 feet by Oct. 1st per
the WDNR permit requirements. The Lake will remain lowered until after the dredging is
completed hopefully by mid. Jan. through Feb. 2025. With the forecasted influence of the La
Nina weather event causing lower than normal winter temperatures, the cattail and sediment will
hopefully be sufficiently frozen to allow the heavy backhoes and trucks to traverse the lake bed.
Over 1000 truckloads of material will be removed.
Because the WDNR would not permit the dredging along the north shore to take place closer
than 30 ft. from the shoreline, the BDLMD is working to obtain approval for the resident riparian
owners along Grove Street to opt for removing sediment along their respective shoreline for
docks and mooring of watercraft. This would be done concurrent with the dredging along the
north shore of Library Lake and would be at the owners expense.
The fund raising for Restoring Library Lake continues and any funds raised beyond the dredging
costs will be used for additional enhancements along the Library Lake Shoreline and the SE
storm water park. Thanks to those that have already donated and to all others, please consider
donating. A “Venmo” account is available and a savings account specifically for the donations to
the project is in place at Cumberland Federal Bank. Donations to the Library Lake Restoration
fund can be mailed to the BDLMD at P.O. Box 232, Cumberland, WI. 54829 or dropped off at
Cumberland Federal Bank. Anyone wishing to donate stock to take advantage of tax
opportunities please contact your financial advisor or Matt Gores at Edward Jones. Go to
beaverdamlake.org for more details on the dredging project and how to donate.
The stop logs and side boards at the Dam were lowered on July 30th and Aug. 11th respectively,
when the lake was still several inches above normal. However, with the lack of sufficient rain
and the high evaporation rate, the lake level has continued to decline to about 4 inches below
normal. Hopefully we will get some substantial rain soon.
Be sure to watch Library Lake level go down. It is soon going to look a lot different!
