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A View from the Lake by Tom Schroeder – President, Beaver Dam Lake Management District, June 12, 2024

Well, April and May’s weather has sure been a surprise after having such a mild winter and the ice going out in early March. Memorial Day weekend had to be a record for the fewest watercraft being on the Lake. Our family took a pontoon ride on Saturday during the weekend and saw only a few other pontoons and a couple hardy tubers. As a result of all the rain we have had since then, Beaver Dam Lake was 9 inches low on March 1st, and is now 7+ inches above normal. The side boards and stop logs at the dam have been open since May 9th. Hopefully with the drier weather in the forecast the lake will be returning closer to normal. Without considering any inflow to the lake from Duck lake and springs, at the best the lake will recede an inch in 5 days. Please try to stay in the middle of the lake when wake boarding and creating larger waves until the lake returns closer to normal.

The April 10th “A View from the Lake” article, covered the Lake District finally receiving the dredging permit for the North side of Library Lake on Feb. 5, 2024. A permit for the South side was obtained in Feb. 2022.  With the two permits now in hand the Library Lake Restoration Fund Raising Committee has been busy gearing up to raise the estimated $550,000 to cover the dredging cost. A “Venmo” account is ready to go, and saving account specifically for the donations to the project is in place at Cumberland Federal Bank. A Match Pledge of $200,000 has been attained.  Donations to the Library Lake Restoration fund can be mailed to the BDLMD at P.O. Box 232, Cumberland, WI. 54829 or dropped off at Cumberland Federal Bank.  Anyone wishing to donate stock to take advantage of tax opportunities please contact your financial advisor or Matt Gores at Edward Jones. Go to for more details on the dredging project and how to donate. 

  • Nezzy’s is planning a 1/2k run event in support of the Library Lake Restoration and Dredging project on Saturday. June 29th. The event will kick off at 10:00AM through 2:00PM, with a 1/2K Run, meat raffle, 50-50 raffle, door prizes, Costume Contest for best Individual or Group and music by Mark Stacy. Pre-registration @ Nezzy’s is $20.00/ person prior to June 25.

  • Cumberland Boat Storage Dock and Lift, Co. and Peter & Annie’s Coffee Shop Café are sponsoring a “Concert on the Lake” featuring Paisan during the afternoon on Saturday, July 20th.  

The 2024 Eurasian Water Milfoil – EWM treatment permit application was submitted in April and the WDNR denied EWM treatment in Cemetery Bay. It is the only location where EWM was found during both the July and Oct.2023 plant surveys. The WDNR did approve a permit to treat City Bay and Norwegian Bay when water craft are restricted from operating when having to deal with weed issues. By having the permit approved prior to knowing the timing and the extent of the need for treatment will allow for quicker response than having to wait for a permit to be issued. Various areas of the lake are being monitored for plant growth. 

Mark your calendar for The Annual Meeting of the BDLMD which is scheduled for Saturday, August 3, 2024 at the Cumberland Middle School starting at 9:30AM. Doors open at 9:00 AM. Have a great summer on the Lake. 


© 2024 Beaver Dam Lake Management District
Cumberland, Wisconsin

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