On Wednesday January 8, 2025 the removal/dredging of sediment from Library Lake commenced. Haas Inc. from Thorp, WI. began the process in mid Sept, 2024 by installing sheet piling to block off of the channel under the Grove Street bridge between Library Lake and Rabbit Bay. Following the installation of the sheet piling, a pump started the process of lowering the Lake by 4 to 5 feet by October 1st per the WDNR permit requirements. Haas has spent the last few weeks prepping the areas to be dredged for more efficient use of the equipment once the removal process commenced. The history of the Library Lake Restoration stretching back to 2008 was recently covered in articles in the Cumberland Advocate written by Mark Fuller in the Aug. 21, 2024 edition and Larry Werner in the Nov. 13, 2024 edition. There is also information about the Restoration of Library Lake on the BDLMD website at beaverdamlake.org.
Everyone involved with the project was concerned about this winter’s weather and what influence the forecasted La Nina would have in the Cumberland area. So far, the weather could not have been more perfect with little snow and mostly below normal temperatures. This has allowed Haas to get a jump on the dredging and if the schedule holds, the sediment removal should be completed in the next few weeks. Per the WDNR permits the removed material is currently being trucked to the Barron County quarry on County Hwy T where it will be used during the reclamation of the quarry. The Haas Inc. quarry on 10th street is an alternate site. Currently the timing of when the refilling of Library Lake will occur is being debated. There are a number of factors that will influence the decision, such as, effect of the refilling on the ice remaining in the middle of Library Lake and Rabbit Bay to the north, on the remaining center “bog” area ( the WDNR would not permit the removal), and the “critters that found winter quarters prior to the lake freezing over. Also; the snow mobile club has the trail marked across the west side of Library Lake which when the snow does arrive could present a safety issue. When the decision is made, the refilling of the Lake will be well publicized!
The fund raising for Restoring Library Lake continues and the fund is just above $500,000. The $550,000 goal remains the target with any funds raised beyond the dredging costs will be used for additional enhancements along the Library Lake Shoreline and the SE storm water park. Thanks to those that have already donated and to all others, please consider donating.
The 2025 Eurasian Water Milfoil -EWM and Navigation Channel treatment plans are currently being reviewed prior to submitting the application to the WDNR for this year’s permit. The good news is that there are only a few spots of EWM observed in City Bay, the channel by the Hwy 63 box culvert, Rabbit Bay and the West Lake mostly northwest of the Narrows. Cemetery Bay was not approved for treatment during 2024, and the EWM areas expanded during the year, so we will be requesting a whole lake treatment. Updates will be covered in future articles.
Last, although the recent cold weather has created a good 10 or more inches of good ice, be careful when contemplating driving on the ice as springs and currents can influence the thickness. Good luck and be safe. Be sure to come downtown to watch the change taking place on Library Lake and while there stop at some of the businesses that have supported the Library Lake Restoration effort over the past 14 years. It is soon going to look a lot different!