After 15 years in the making, the dredging of Library Lake is finally completed! Last September I announced that Haas Inc. – Thorp, WI. was mobilizing to begin the process of installing sheet piling to block off the channel under the Grove Street bridge between Library Lake and Rabbit Bay. Following the installation of the sheet piling, the process of lowering the lake by 4 to 5 feet began and the lake was lowered by October 1st per the WDNR permit requirements. With the perfect weather conditions at the end of December 2024, the preparation work for the dredging of Library Lake commenced. After a week of preparing boundaries and haul roads, the first truckload of sediment was loaded on January 8th. All of the dredging was completed on Wednesday January 22nd, 2025. The sediment that was removed would fill a unit train of coal cars almost 2 miles long. About 50 truckloads of dredged sediment were stored at the east end of the SE Stormwater pond for use this spring to enhance the dirt around the pond areas. Once it is spread and mixed with the existing soil of marginal quality the area will be reseeded. The dirt pile was covered with straw and watered down to prevent wind erosion. The Lake will remain lowered until after the ice is off the lake. There are 4 reasons for waiting; not allowing the existing ice on Library Lake to break lose, not risking the frozen “Bog” to become a drifting island with the rapid rise of the Lake, allowing safe snowmobiling across the Lake, and not disturbing the hibernating frogs, turtles, etc. until spring. When the decision is made to refill the Lake, the event will be well publicized. One surprise as a result of lowering the lake is the appearance of at least 3 springs that will continue to provide fresh water entering Library Lake.
At the 2022 BDLMD Annual Meeting, funding was approved to support the feasibility of dredging the Wickre Harbor area on the western shores of Rabbit Bay by providing financial assistance including the WDNR permitting processes, soil/muck testing, documentation, liaisons for all questions, and updates as required. Originally dredged in 1963, the permitting process for re-dredging the eastern most channel started in late 2022 to return this area to its original condition. With the support of the WDNR the permit requirements were expedited and approved by mid-February 2023. By late-February 2023, Erickson Excavating of Cumberland, Inc. started dredging the channel, but had to stop after 23 dump truck loads when conditions went "south". With the favorable weather this winter, Erickson’s restarted the dredging project and finished in early February of this year. The dredging costs were covered by the residents along the channel. It was a long process, but ultimately a successful one – going from a channel filled with up to six feet of muck and no possibility of boat traffic to a channel that will now allow boats in and out!
The Lake District commissioners have reviewed and approved the 2025 Eurasian Water Milfoil-EWM Plan. The Treatment Plan and WDNR permit application includes treating navigation lanes in City and Norwegian Bays later in the season should weeds obstruct watercraft operation.
I want to again thank all those that donated to the Library Lake Restoration Fund. The donations will cover the cost of the dredging, and the remaining funds will be used for additional improvements along the east shoreline of Library Lake. Plans are currently being developed for additional trees and a pathway through the SE Storm water pond using remaining grant dollars.
As we wait for the ice to melt and open the Lake for watercraft use, please be cautious and aware of changing ice conditions. There have been too many vehicles going through the ice and unfortunately some loss of lives. Once the ice goes out, the stop logs and side boards at the Dam will be lowered so the lake can be raised to normal level.
Be sure to watch for the refilling announcement of Library Lake. Library Lake is soon going to look a lot different! And, please mark your calendar for the BDLMD Annual Meeting on August 2, 2025.